Thursday, December 1, 2011

What Is Amber Jewelry

Nature has time and again left us spellbound with its beauty and splendor. Amber is yet another stunning contribution of nature that carries special value because of its beauty. In fact, it has been a subject of rumination across civilizations. It is hard to believe that amber that is obtained from the trees could be so sought after to make the most exotic jewelry.

Amber was popular from as long as the Bronze Age. Back then, it was used for trading purposes. It continued to captivate hearts through Iron Age where it was used extensively in jewelry and artifacts. Amber jewelry has now risen to be among the favorites of the elite. Baltic amber that is used to make marvelous jewelry takes millions of years to take reveal its true beauty.

A very "matter-of-fact" definition of amber will tell you that it is nothing but resin obtained from Baltic trees called pinites succinifer. This wonder material that is secreted by plants in a liquid form endures years of chemical reactions like vaporization, polymerization and oxidation to take the form of stunning amber.

Baltic amber takes close to 40 to 60 million years to showcase its true splendor. This is why some of the genuine works of amber jewelry come at an exorbitant cost. Amber is believed to be one of those mystical elements that enhance your luck and drive away any evil forces that can act against you. This is the reason till date amber jewelry is passed from one generation to another as a priced possession in some parts of the world.

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Today amber jewelry is in vogue. Environment friendly solutions are need of the hour. People have stopped wearing their attitude on their sleeves only to save earth and amber jewelry comes as a strong medium to spell the change. This kind of jewelry stands out for the raw beauty of nature that it celebrates.

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Natural amber is exposed to the ruggedness of nature. The surface speaks about the heat, the rain and varying terrains they are carried across. Some of the natural ambers even carry insect and plant remnants that get embedded in them during the years of formation. Since all these are now tweaked with scientific methods to give it the right level of transparency, finding genuine ambers from the fake needs great eye for detail. If you have a penchant for earthly materials, well crafted handmade amber jewelry can be just what you are looking for.

Amber jewelry comes in different colors. This is because amber itself comes in more than 250 shades. Designing jewelry with these precious materials can be quite a fancy affair. The trees that the Baltic amber finds its inception seems to have a major role in determining its color. There are methods like heat enhancement that can also add to the beauty of the natural amber.

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Since demand in amber jewelry is seeing an increase, there is an upsurge in the sale fraudulent amber too. If you want to lay hands on one of these gems of nature, it is safe to go with stores that sell amber jewelry with the right certification to back their claims.

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